This school continues to be a good school.
School leaders have maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
Crays Hill Primary is a well-organised and welcoming school in which pupils are able to develop greater confidence in their learning and social skills.
Good quality teaching, learning and assessment ensure that pupils make good progress in their time at school.
One pupil commented that "learning is hard sometimes, but it will make life easier later on" and others agreed.
Pupils learn and apply new mathematical skills more confidently and accurately than was previously the case.
Standards of behaviour seen throughout the inspection were good.
Pupils are typically well manner, respectful and work collaboratively.
One pupil commented that "the school has taught me that if I put my mind to it I can do anything"
Pupils value consistency and care shown to them by the adults.
Pupils and adults are enthusiastically proud of their school.
There is a strong safeguarding culture at Crays Hill Primary.
Governance is a strength of the school.
Pupils read accurately and often enthusiastically.
Pupils make good progress across a range of subjects.
Berlesduna Academy Trust