Home Page


The Governors and staff of Crays Hill Primary School aim to create a secure, caring and fun environment in which children can experience success. The value of personal, social and moral development is taught within a broad and balanced curriculum.

We respect and value:
- The importance of working together as a team and in which ALL have a contribution to make.
- The need to be supportive and caring of each other.
- That each child is here to learn and to be treated fairly.
- That the school and home need to work together for the good of the children and the community in which we serve.

Mrs H Dyer = Headteacher

Mrs J McCutcheon = Chair of Governors

Responsible for Curriculum; Teaching & Learning - English, Maths, Science

Mrs J Little = Vice-Chair of Governors

Responsible for SEND; Mental Health & Wellbeing; Teaching & Learning - Geography, History, Computing

Mrs T Sargent = Local Authority Governor

Responsible for Sports Premium; EYFS
Mrs C Winch = Staff Governor

Link Governor

Mrs T Boothman = Co-Opted Governor

Vulnerable pupils incl. Attendance

Fr D Mason = Co-Opted Governor

Responsible for Safeguarding, Attendance, Behaviour, Community, PSHE; Teaching & Learning - Art, Music, DT, MFL
Mrs J Lapslie = Clerk
