The DfE have reinforced the need ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of Law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
At Crays Hill Primary School these values are taught and reinforced in several ways.
High Expectations
In our school we have high expectations of our roles in the learning process. Every learner is entitled to a curriculum rich and varied, challenging and inspiring which enables every individual to fulfil his or her potential to the highest possible standard; so that all, for the benefit of all, are able to shape their destinies.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Staff and visitors of different faiths or religions share their knowledge to support the school in developing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society. We use assemblies, lesson time and visits to extend children’s knowledge and provide opportunities for them to experience diversity. This includes addressing prejudices and prejudice-based bullying.
The Rule of Law
Our curriculum provides opportunities for activities and visitors to support us in teaching the value and understanding of laws. These include links with the Fire Service and Community Police. Pupils are taught the importance of laws through assemblies, rules and through the school’s expectations of their behaviour and conduct. They learn about the importance of law in life beyond school.
Mutual Respect
Our school vision is based around an atmosphere of mutual respect. This is embedded into our assemblies and curriculum. Our core beliefs are explicit in teaching the importance of caring for each other and the environment whilst appreciating each other’s differences.
We value pupils’ opinions; we collect them by using our school council, pupil questionnaires, interviews and less formal discussions. Their views directly influence our school improvement activities. Elections take place and our behaviour policy involves rewards chosen by pupils. Our environment is one where children are safe to disagree and can be confident in being heard.
Individual Liberty
Pupils learn about and understand rights and personal freedoms. Our PSHE curriculum and E-safety lessons teach them to make choices safely. Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices that affect their daily school lives, such as; ordering lunch, extra-curricular activities, educational visits and selecting rewards and incentives. The school provides an environment in which children can be empowered safely.